Celtra Now Empowers Publishers, Brands with Tools to Create High Quality Ads for Apple News

By Celtra


We are very pleased to announce that Celtra will now empower publishers and brands to easily create high quality ads for Apple News with enhanced capabilities of our creative management platform. Apple News features stories from thousands of publishers in a single app that combines excellent design with the interactivity of digital media.

Clients now have the tools they need to build ads to the Apple News specs and then generate tags specifically for Apple's Workbench ad server. They can also create rich and immersive ad experiences using a full set of powerful creative capabilities featuring visual effects, motion graphics and reactive animations, among others.

“Apple News is a premium, well designed and user experience-focused environment that deserves equally excellent creative,” said Jonathan Milne, CRO of Celtra. "As a creative management platform we’re proud to deliver exceptional quality and the best user experience in advertising; we’re excited to extend that philosophy to our Apple News product as well.”

We currently work with the exclusive resellers for Apple News inventory: NBCU in the US, Telegraph in the UK, and Airwave in Australia.

To learn more, please contact us

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